Live Events

Sign up to attend workshops or sacred circles,

which explore ways to connect to yourself within the container of a group space.

Women’s Circle

stay tuned for new group offerings

12 Weeks Closed Group

1.5 hours

Deepening in Community with other women while learning how to be in Wild Presence with yourself. 
Learn how to follow the cycles of the Moon as a structure for your life, tune into your day-to-day energetic vibration to remain in alignment, and use the inspiration of the 5 Elements and Seasons to bring balance and harmony in all that you do.

Full Moon Check In & Release + Mini Sound Bath

stay tuned for upcoming dates

1.5 hours

Includes crystal related to the moon cycle, oracle cards, journaling prompts, community sharing & more.

New Moon Intention Setting + Mini Sound Bath

Stay Tuned for upcoming dates

1.5 hours

Includes crystal related to the moon cycle, oracle cards, journaling prompts, community sharing & more.

Presence & Intimacy Building Experiential Partner-BASED Workshop

This is an experiential workshop for any 2 people that want to invest more deeply into another human in their life through learning how to deepen their ability to tune in and be in presence.
Examples of dyads: Friends, Siblings, Parent/Child, Romantic Partners.

half day workshop

No upcoming dates scheduled at this time.

Sacred Circles

Circles designate a sacred space that connects the earthly plane and celestial spheres. You can find them in most cultures as they are rich in symbolism and lend well to ceremony. They often signify the never-ending patterns and constant renewal energy of life as it has no beginning and no end. It can be a symbol for the seasons of life such as the cycles and shifts from light to dark as the moon and sun dance around their own circle. Time can become subjective in a circle and offer rich transformation to all that gather.

When invoking a circle, first, you purify the space through smudging or mental or energetic clearing. Then, you step in so you can arrive with attention and reverence with your intention. The circle can consist simply of the bodies gathered, it can be imagined in the mind, or it can be formalized with objects such as candles or stones. It is a container for everything else that will be done during the shared time together. Support and protection is called in by honoring the wisdom of ancestors that came before. Sometimes setting the stage involves calling in the directions and elements, starting with the East and the element of Air.